Lowest Estate Agent Fee? No, It’s a Professional Manner on the Phone That Counts With House Sellers!.

“The top 1,000 high street agents in the UK continue to outperform their online counterparts”, say the Homeowners Alliance. This, despite the obvious attractions of the “no percentage fees” sale pitch of the online estate agent to certain house sellers. Nevertheless, while the most well-known of top online agents may obtain 96 – 97 per cent of the asking price, on average, the national average achieved by traditional high street agents can still be 95.7 per cent.
Every home owner looks for an agent who can sell their house at the very best price at the lowest fee as possible. But homeowners also know that the process of selling a property is not so simple and straight forward. Success in selling your house relies on choosing the right agent with whom they can trust and rely upon every step of the way of the journey.
Attempt to dazzle you with a suspiciously over-optimistic valuation
In other words, the key to a successful outcome is often based upon the relationship between the agent and the seller – and first impressions do count! Research has found that more than 9 in 10 owners point to the professional look and manner of the agent when speaking on the phone as a top influencing factor in choosing an agent.
Most importantly, a house seller needs to know that their chosen agent is actually capable of carrying out all the promises they make, especially in marketing their property to the right potential buyers. For example, have they the experience and knowledge in marketing a similar property to yours? A quick check by checking their current stock online (and in their window) can be very revealing.
Probably a house seller’s best indication of the way an agent appears to be approaching the sale of your home can be at the valuation. Will they attempt to dazzle you with a suspiciously over-optimistic valuation just to get you on board with them? You may find that they will soon try and talk the price down to speed up the actual sale prospects! A house seller will be looking to an agent’s ability to properly evaluate key factors including, interior and exterior property condition, immediate surroundings, street location, nearby amenities, current local market conditions and future area developments.
Disappears from the market listings only to appear at a reduced asking price
House buyers keep a close watch on properties on the market in a particular area. They soon spot a house that is initially over-priced, which then disappears from the market listings only to appear at a reduced asking price. The process may continue on and off for weeks or even months at a time. It’s often taken as a sign that the relationship between seller and agent is not all that it should be! A potential buyer is also aware that they will be asked by his lending bank to provide confirmation that the property he is interested in purchasing is accurately priced before agreeing to provide a mortgage.
A trained and qualified agent with local area knowledge should be able to complete a successful sale, either within or just outside, the expected time and asking price. The key is often a full and thorough process carried out from valuation and preparation to marketing and negotiation, which is not always so clear to some sellers who may not have heard from their agent for a while.
It is not always possible to achieve the seller’s asking price
Market conditions are a key factor which determine the changing value of a property, but at certain times, can make or break a sale. The reality is that it is not always possible to achieve the seller’s asking price. Timing is always a critical decision and agents can often be asked to make a house valuation even if the owner has no immediate plans to sell.
Whatever the market conditions, it is still crucial to ensure a realistic asking price. Choosing the right agent with whom a good relationship can be formed and their advice can be trusted is key to a successful sale. The selection process starts with the valuation…