Understanding Why Different People Move House Can Help Viewings and Negotiations.

Despite concerns over the slower pace of buying and selling a house in recent months, the average price of selling a property in Redbridge Borough has seen a rise of 0.10 per cent since December 2017, up by 2.90 per cent over 12 months.
Recent news reports suggest that the reason why homeowners appear not to be moving is due to rising house prices, stricter rules on mortgages and older owners staying on in large properties. Nevertheless, there are often many more positive reasons why people decide to move, which can outweigh other considerations. Sometimes, the outcome of a valuation can provide the added uplift needed for putting a home on the market after so many years.
Considerable opportunities for investment in key urban centres
In Redbridge borough, nearly two thirds (64 per cent) of properties are owner occupied – and still the dominant type of tenure. The ongoing area regeneration at the frontier of the Thames Gateway and the London Stansted Cambridge Corridor – further boosted by the opening of Crossrail – is expected to attract considerable opportunities for investment in key urban centres, such as Ilford and the smaller centres of Gants Hill, Seven Kings, Goodmayes and Chadwell Heath.
As a result, the opportunity and conditions for a property owner in Redbridge to successfully sell their home can only gain in momentum in the period of significant development ahead. Further reasons for this can be linked to the different priorities, which can determine some of the top motives for people wanting to relocate. They may also align with the results of a home valuation and provide important ways to maximise the chances of selling a home at the price wanted, and in the shortest possible time.
A house move may simply be the most practical course of action
The top reason for prospective buyers to move home is nearly always the need for more space, especially if there are plans to start a family or the family has outgrown their current home. The plan may simply be to move to a catchment area where their children are more likely to gain admission to their school of choice, which may not fall within the specific catchment area at their current location.
A relationship change, where choosing to move in with a partner can often be a reason for seeking a new place to live. Alternatively, the end of a relationship can also result in moving house, as a single income may not be enough to support living at the current home.
A house move may simply be the most practical course of action when starting a new job and the commuting distance is simply too long or too costly. A change of job may also tie in with a change of income, which could mean either being able to afford the higher running costs or in some circumstances, needing to economise.
A decisive role in preparing a property for presenting at viewings
There is also the desire for a change of scenery, no matter what is happening on the current market. Some prospective buyers have simply become increasingly restless with their present space and are searching for a fresh start in a new environment with different surroundings. Today, this can often be linked with access to green spaces but also could include the desire for better amenities for parking, shopping, restaurants or public transport.
Understanding the underlying motivations for why a particular prospective buyer is seeking to move home can play a decisive role in preparing a property for presenting at viewings. It may even help in completing the negotiations. The first move for anyone thinking of putting their house on the market is to request a valuation via an experienced local agent who can advise on the kinds of property that a certain type of buyer currently seeks in the local area.